Monday, November 12, 2012


[caption id="attachment_1559" align="alignleft" width="300"] Thank you for protecting our Home[/caption]

I'm so glad you stopped by! Today I am thankful for the men and women who serve and have served in our military. Yesterday at church the preacher asked those who were in the military to stand so that we could pray for them. Sitting in the choir loft, I was able to see them all. Some old, some young, and some in uniform. It was an awesome sight. Our preacher prayed for them with such passion. It was incredibly humbling to be sitting there knowing these men and women willingly put themselves in harms way so that we may live in a free country. I know that I will never know the intensity of the sacrifices that these men and women make and have made. I have had only a small glimpse from a family friend who came back from war overseas and shared a few stories. Though I know he guards so much more of his experiences in his heart that he is unable to share. The physical wounds are obvious to civilians, but the invisible wounds are not so easy to see. The sacrifices families make are usually hidden with a smile and a gracious "thank you" for a meal or two. It's dinner time, when there is an empty chair or, bed time when there is an empty side of the bed when hearts ache and fear raises it's ugly head. We rarely see "that part." I am humbled and eternally thankful!

So today I am thankful for those who serve our country so bravely and so passionately! I am thankful for the families who leave the light on waiting for them to come home! We are a blessed nation. God is good!

"Jesus I am Resting" (Song from R.U.F.)

Jesus, I am resting, resting In the joy of what Thou art,                                                                                                                                                       I am finding out the greatness of Thy loving heart.                                                                  Tour hast bid me gaze upon Thee, And Thy beauty fills my soul,                                                For by Thy transforming power, Thou hast made me whole.

O, how great Thy loving kindness, Vaster, Broader than the sea!                                           O, how marvelous Thy goodness, Lavished all on me!                                                           Yes, I rest in Thee, Beloved, Know what wealth of grace is Thine,                                      Know Thy certainty of promise, And have made it mine.

Jesus I am resting, resting, In the joy of what Thou art,                                                              I am finding out the greatness Of Thy loving heart.

Thank you! Love love love Ruthie

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